What to expect when you visit
If you are visiting one of our worship services we aim to welcome you, encourage you to feel comfortable to participate at the level you wish, and hopefully leave you with a sense of peace, inspiration and joy.
Our church buildings are extremely beautiful and we are blessed to have them as a resource for our church worship, however it is community of people that makes a church and not bricks and mortar. We like to meet new people and so we encourage you to make yourself known to the welcomers and clergy if you are visiting.
When you arrive you will be greeted at the door by a welcomer and given a weekly news sheet – this contains some worship information and parish notices. There is a section on the back specifically to inform newcomers about practical details such as where the toilets are and how to follow the service.

Feel free to sit anywhere amongst the congregation, there are no reserved seats.
If you have never been to a church service before it can be confusing to know when to stand and sit, and where the prayers are in the book and how to sing the songs. Just go with the flow. Soak up the peace and meaning in the service and if you return for future visits you will find it makes more sense every time.
At communion time, most congregation members will come forward to receive communion. This is done with everyone receiving a communion wafer and a sip of wine from a common cup. Attendees who are not baptised and are not yet ready to receive communion can come forward for a blessing (you can indicate this by having your hands behind your back then the priest knows you are not receiving the communion bread). You can learn more about being a Christian in the Baptism and Christian Faith sections of this website.
All our services have the opportunity for a cuppa and chat at the conclusion of worship. You will always be most welcome to attend this if you wish and it can be a good way to get to know the priests and the people of the parish.
We hope and pray you enjoy worshipping with us and find the peace, inspiration, joy and hope you are seeking.