Get married at St Peter’s

If you have just decided to get married, the first thing to say is – Congratulations!

St Peter’s Parish church is a particularly beautiful church in which to ask God’s blessing upon your marriage. The church can easily accommodate 300 attendees, and also has a side chapel of St Michael’s which can accommodate small weddings of less than 30 attendees. St Martin’s in Glenelg South can accommodate up to fifty people and is also an appealing church. 

A wedding in a church is an expression of faith. As St John wrote “God is love, and those who live in love, live in God and God lives in them” (1 John 4:16).  God is known and experienced through our relationships and helps us grow in relationship. A Christian wedding celebrates this reality of faith.

A Couple’s prayer

God of tenderness and strength,
You have brought our paths together
And led us to this day;
Go with us now as we travel through good times,
Through trouble, and through change.
Bless our home, our partings and our meetings.
Make us worthy of one another’s best,
And tender with one another’s dreams. Amen.


Weddings in an Anglican church are usually conducted entirely by an ordained Anglican Priest. Sometimes, by request, a role can be played by a pastor or minister from another church so long as an Anglican Priest is the main presiding minister.

Normally one or both of the couple should have been baptized. Baptism can be arranged in the lead up time to the wedding should you wish to pursue this. Divorced people can be re-married in the Anglican Church and the priest will seek permission for this from the bishop. Divorce papers will need to be viewed by the priest for the completion of Marriage paperwork.

You will need to provide a birth certificate and photographic ID when you first meet with the priest. If you were born in Australia and do not have a birth certificate you will need to arrange one through If you were born overseas and don’t have a birth certificate then a current passport along with another photographic ID is sufficient.

Planning a wedding usually includes about three meetings with the priest plus a wedding rehearsal during the week leading up to the wedding. The priest handles all the official government paperwork as well as helping you plan the service. The couple has responsibility to prepare an order of service (wedding booklet) with guidance from the priest.

A Copy of the Anglican Wedding service can be viewed here along with suitable Bible readings. There is flexibility to include other things within the structure of the Anglican service and this can be discussed with the priest to make the service a personal celebration of your unique relationship.


The all-inclusive fee for a wedding at St Peter’s Church is $1600 from January 1st 2024. This includes the use of the building, the services of the priest, the services of an organist, Flowers, cleaning and the provision of a verger who will unlock and lock the premises and be on hand for practical assistance. Regular parishioners who are contributors to our weekly planned giving program receive a discount on this amount.

Community Centre

The parish community centre can be hired for an extra cost, should you wish to use this for drinks following the service. Please inquire at our church office about hire charges.

To arrange a wedding or make an enquiry please contact the parish office. Available dates can then be discussed and following that you can be referred to the one of the parish clergy to plan and arrange you wedding.