Sunday Mornings

St Peter’s – Torrens Square, Glenelg

7:45am Quiet Communion Service – This worship opportunity gives our early risers a chance to enjoy a communion service with bible readings and sermon which finishes at 8:30am. Cuppa and Fruit toast follows in the community centre for those who wish to stay. 

10:00am Sung Eucharist with Songs and Hymns – this is our main Sunday worship in the parish and includes communion, with children’s talk, songs and music, readings and sermon. It usually finishes by 11:15am. During term time Sunday Kids is on in the Community Centre following the Kids’ talk. We are blessed in our parish with a variety of musicians. The first Sunday of the month features more contemporary worship songs, whilst second, fourth and fifth Sundays of the month feature pipe organ and choir. The third Sunday of the month is our Have-a-go Sunday where anyone who would like to have a go leading the singing in the choir stalls is welcome to come at 9:30am for a run through. Different musicians play the hymns on this day. Morning tea follows in the Community Centre which always includes birthday cake on the last Sunday of the month. 

Sunday Mornings

St Martin’s – Hastings Rd, Glenelg South 

8:45am Communion service with hymns – this delightful church and community holds its regularly Sunday service at 8:45am to enable clergy to move from St Peter’s and back again. Hymns and songs are lead by keyboard/organ and clarinet and a warm welcome is always given to visitors. Morning tea follows the service which normally concludes around 9:40am

Thursday Mornings

St Peter’s – Torrens Square, Glenelg

We have a weekly midweek service at St Peter’s on Thursdays at 10am. This is a half-hour communion service held in the St Michael’s chapel entered through the body of St Peter’s Church. This small service has a strong sense of community and Morning tea follows. 

4th Sunday Evenings Ukulele Church

St Peter’s Community Centre

Usually held on the fourth Sunday of the month from February through to November this 5:00pm service takes place in the Community Centre. People bring their own ukulele’s or borrow one on the night and enjoy a 50-60minutes service of singing and strumming, usually with a theme, bible reading and short reflection included. A light meal follows for those who wish to stay.