For children aged 5-12 years

Sunday Kids is an activity-based group held during the 10am service at St Peter’s during school term times (excluding the first Sunday of the month). 

After the children’s talk, story and song which occurs near the beginning of the 10am service, children are welcome to go to the community centre for an activity on the theme of the day. They will then return to the church at communion time. Sometimes they will present what they have been working on to the congregation during the notices.  

The Sunday Kids activities are aimed at Primary aged children (5-12 years). 

All volunteers have undergone a Working With Children Check (Department of Human Services) and Safe Ministry Approval with the Anglican Diocese of Adelaide. 

Co-ordinator: Lorna F (contact through the parish office or via one of the clergy)

When Sunday Kids is not on, or for younger children, there is always a Kids’ Talk in every service, and a children’s area at the back of the church with toys, books and activities.