Faith in Focus
A big focus for bible studies and learning takes place during the forty days of Lent leading up to Easter. Over the past three years Rev. Andrew has provided a Gospel reading guide and daily emailed prayer and reflection. In 2024 sixty households participated in this and at the end of Lent a booklet of prayers and reflections was made available. The aim of this in 2025 is to focus on the theme of hope which will connect with our participation in Hope25, an Australia-wide Anglican initiative to spread hope during the Easter season in 2025.

Also in 2024 Rev. Tracey led a Lenten discussion on the Sunday Gospels using photo language - where people find images they resonate with as a way of entering into the meaning of the Gospel passages.
Just started this year is a new group entitled Together in Faith meeting on the first Wednesday of the month from 7:00 pm to 8:15pm in the Parish Community Centre. This is a group opportunity to reflect on scripture together, deepen our faith, gain insights and pray together. With a shared leadership approach, each session will invite different voices to guide us, where we can explore, learn, and pray together. Whether you are seeking to deepen your understanding of the Bible or desire to join in collective prayer for our community, this will be a time and space for spiritual growth and connection.
St Martin’s congregation have previously run the Alpha introduction to the Christian faith and hoping to run this again in 2025.