
Our parish like any church is a community of people. The church survives solely on the donations of it attendees and members. Our current community benefits greatly from the generosity of previous generations and it is up to us provide for current and future generations who will come after us. On this page you will find a number of ways you can contribute to the ministry of our parish church. 

One-off donations can be made in a variety of ways:

  • Through the collection plate in the services at St Peter’s and St Martin’s every Sunday. 
  • Through the Tap’n’go machine at St Peter’s on a Sunday morning. 
  • By EFTPOS when visiting the Parish office.
  • EFT to Anglican Parish of Glenelg BSB 705 077 Account No. 000 000 33

Make a Regular Pledge

Most parishioners make a regular pledge through our Planned Giving Program. For making a regular pledge please see the attached form by which you can notify our Parish Planned Giving Recorder. 

You can make this pledge via regular Electronic Funds Transfer to Anglican Parish of Glenelg

  • BSB 705 077 
  • Account No. 000 412 11

If you wish to give cash you may choose to receive a set of Planned Giving Envelopes dated for each Sunday of the year as a reminder to keep up with your giving. 

Our preference is to have as many parishioners as possible giving by regular funds transfer. 

National Trust Heritage Appeal

Our parish consists of three heritage listed sites – St Peter’s Church (State Heritage), St Martin’s Church (Local Heritage) and The Rectory (Local Heritage). During the renovation of the Great West Window at St Peter’s in 2017 we created an ongoing Heritage Conservation Appeal with the National Trust. This enables us to receive tax-deductible donations which can be used for heritage preservation projects in the parish. 

You can access the National Trust website here and when donating simply make sure you select “St Peter’s Anglican Church Glenelg Appeal” in the drop down menu entitled “I would like my donation to go to”. You will receive a receipt for this directly from National Trust SA.


Bequests are a great way to ensure a lasting legacy. You can include the Anglican Parish of Glenelg in your Will to help future faith generations and the ongoing Mission of the Church.  Our Parish has and outward mission focus as well as a commitment to support the spiritual life of our congregation. 

Leaving a bequest is a very personal decision and it is important to look after your loved ones first. It is also good to discuss your wishes with those closest to you such as family and friends. Your Will is a very important document and it is important that it reflects what you want.

When leaving a bequest or gift to the Parish, contact your Executor (family, executor trustee or solicitor) to let them know that you would like to include this in your Will.  They will ensure the right wording is used based on your wishes. Please note that bequests can only be made to the Synod of the Diocese for the benefit of a particularly parish or ministry. 

The Anglican Diocese of Adelaide has a policy on Bequests and the recommended wording to be used is: 

I give and bequeath ...... (description of gift, eg specific amount or percentage of estate or balance of estate) to The Synod of the Diocese of Adelaide of the Anglican Church of Australia Incorporated for the use and benefit of the Anglican Parish of Glenelg, 1 Torrens Square, Glenelg. 

You may also specify if you wish the Parish to use the funds for a specific ministry, or leave it to the discretion of the Parish Council.

The Anglican Parish of Glenelg has been very fortunate with the generous bequests in the past.  This has enabled re-roofing of the Church, refurbishments, new furniture and outreach.

Every gift, no matter how small or large, is important. For other ways of giving please see other sections under the donations tab on this website.