A vibrant, welcoming and inclusive community...

Our church, like any other, is simply a group of Christians meeting together to worship, pray, learn, build community, seek inspiration and support each other in living our Christian lives. 

Parts of our parish life might look like any other community club with different groups and activities but our Christian faith undergirds everything we do. 

Our worship is within the Anglican church tradition but is not necessarily ‘old-fashioned’. We incorporate traditional and contemporary prayers and a diversity of musical styles across the different Sundays of the month. 

Our aspiration is to be a "vibrant, welcoming and inclusive community growing in faith and love." We are not a perfect community of Christians and sometimes fall short of that aspiration, but we hold it before ourselves as we strive to, as Jesus taught, love God and love our neighbour as ourselves. 

If you visit one of our churches I hope you will find a warm welcome and inspiration for your spiritual journey. Please make yourself known to one of the priests, either before or after the service, because we always like to meet new people. 

Rev'd Andrew Mintern
(Parish Priest)