If you come to any of our services at St Peter’s or St Martin’s here’s a list of the measures in place so we can continue our public worship services.

A COVID Marshal has undertaken SA Health training for this role. They are identified by this badge.
  • Ensure your details are recorded on the COVID attendance register.
    • Come a couple of minutes early to the 7.45am at St Peter’s or 8.45am at St Martin’s and have your name written down.
    • If you can, pre-register in advance through EventBrite for the Sunday 10am service only.
    • The attendance register is a requirement under the SA Health’s COVID Safe plans. These registers are used only for COVID Safe purpose only, and destroyed after 60 days.
  • Please use hand sanitiser as you enter the building, and as you come to the alter for Communion.
  • Please sit in a seat where you are appropriately socially distanced from other people. A COVID Marshal (instituted by SA Health 23 August 2020) can provide assistance as needed.
  • Join us for morning tea in the community centre at St Peter’s or the hall at St Martin’s after the service. Tea, coffee and a biscuit is available. This is served by a person who has sanitised their hands, and they are the only people who have touched your mug. Tea/coffee is made according to your taste. Biscuits are pre-wrapped. Plates of food are not shared.
This may seem restrictive, but we want to continue gathering as a Church,
in our church building
How we’re being a COVID SAFE Church