The Reverend Andrew Mintern emailed to parishioners news and information for the Anglican Parish of Glenelg in the Lent 2020 Update.

From the Parish Priest
Dear friends,
Welcome to the first update for 2020. There is a lot to take in, so I hope you can scan through this newsletter and keep up to date with the happenings in our parish.

You will find information in here about the National Church Life Survey. If you are thinking “it can’t be five years since the last one”, you are right! The diocese has decided to run them every two and half years to improve our knowledge of how parishes are travelling. whilst this parish has always participated in the NCLS, the participation rate last time was very low.
However this current one will see all but one Adelaide parish participating. If you prefer to do the survey online then please look further down this newsletter for the link.

Another really important thing that we have to do is change our safe ministry accreditation. You might think this is the church changing its routines again, but this is forced on us by the Royal Commission into Institutional Abuse and the subsequent legislation that came in on 1st July 2019. We have until 30 June this year to comply with new Working With Children requirements. All those who need clearances will be contacted directly but there is also further information in this newsletter.

There are also many groups to get involved in – Mother’s Union, GALS, Oasis, Men’s group, youth group and great events like the Shrove Tuesday Pancake tea, the 100th Anniversary of St Michael’s chapel at St Peter’s church, Lenten studies, Christmas Tree Festival and much more.

In conclusion, thank you to everyone who contributes to the life of our parish. It only exists through your volunteering, your attendances and your contributions. It is very much our church which we offer for the benefit of the surrounding community. Never be in any doubt what a precious gift it is to create church community and reach out in service.

Blessing to you all for the Lenten Season.

Rev’d Andrew Mintern
Parish Priest

Click on the picture and text above to download the full update.
Lent 2020 Update